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Tim B. Castillo

Co-Founder of Finding Rural [Plata Studio]

Associate Professor, Universtiy of New Mexico

School of Architecture + Planning

Director, ARTS Digital Media Lab




Born in America, bred in New Mexico, enlightened in New York City and Canada. Columbia University trained in architecture and has practiced and taught design globally. 




Directs an interdisciplinary digital media lab at the University of New Mexico, working with faculty and creative people to do inspiring and fun projects that bridge the space between the virtual and real.




LoboScape an interactive visual experience at the Albuquerque Sunport

Memory + Emergence an immersive environment cinematic event

Building a digital spatial archive for the state of New Mexico

Leading innovation at UNM

Exploring the rural condition

Married a beautiful wife and have 3 amazing children


To do


Travel to Asia

Develop my start-up

Contribute to my community in southern New Mexico

Kick off my food truck culinary experience

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